Sci-Fi Shorts Anthology Volume 1
Author: Rod Castor, J.A. Taylor
Genre: Science Fiction
Blurb: From exoplanets to time travel, Jovian space elevators to teleportation tubes, and human-like robots to human-disguised aliens, this first anthology from Sci-Fi Shorts offers mind-boggling sci-fi flash fiction, plumbing the depths of the human condition and its imminent future.
Sci-Fi Shorts started in April of 2020, just after the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing. With everything under lockdown, it seemed the perfect time to channel energy into an online portal that could provide two benefits: Give people a distraction from the pressures of life and offer them a way to connect with others through flash fiction.
Though the 500-word limit is a serious challenge for writers, it makes for an easily digestible story for readers. The writers included in this volume have labored to give you forceful and dynamic "3-minute escapes into orbit." Some say 500 words isn’t nearly enough to tell a story. As a reader, we’ll let you be the judge.
There’s time travel, androids, aliens, romance, exploration, war, and more in Sci-Fi Shorts, sixty adventures in all. We hope you enjoy this first volume of Sci-Fi Shorts and revisit these gems time and again, as we do.