Congratulations to our very own J. Millard Simpson for winning the December Reader's Pick with 44 rockets for his story, "Potboiler" -- 44 total rockets, and a huge margin of victory! Well done, sir!
He will receive the coveted story-art medal which marks this prestigious award, as well as a $100 cash prize. What a great story this it. The win is well deserved.
This month's runners-up were:
"Gestalt", also by J. Millard Simpson, with an impressive 39 rockets,
"Rubble Bots", by B.M. Gilb, with a solid 34 rockets, and
"Blind Dinosaurs", by Randall Andrews, with a very respectable 27 rockets.
Congrats to all!
This award is, perhaps, the most democratic in the industry. There's no favoritism, no bias, and no outside influence whatsoever. Only the votes of the people, our subscribers, determine the outcome. It indicates approval from peers. The winner and runners-up should feel proud -- they've earned it.
If you'd like to participate in selecting the next winners of the Reader's Pick, all you have to do to join the ranks of the influential is purchase a subscription, which funds the prize as well as paying our writers and the site costs. In addition, you will receive access to a brand-new story every weekday. Who could ask for more?