The September Reader's Pick is finally in, after an extended and at times very close race. And the winner is...
"The Helper", by Anne Wilkins, with thirty Rockets! Congratulations!
Anne will receive the coveted story-art medal marking the award, as well as a $100 cash prize. It's well deserved, friends; this was a very impressive tale.
Then again, so were several among the competition, so there's that too.
This month's runners-up are:
"Signs Of Life", by a new addition to our writing team, Ashleigh Adams, at twenty-six rockets
"The 11000101 That Got Away", by Nina Miller, with twenty-five
"Kyzik's Gold", by J. Millard Simpson (That's me!!!), also with twenty-five
Please take note: Each subscriber gets to award up to five Rockets per story. This means that, if you're a runner-up and you didn't subscribe, you missed out on the Reader's Pick prize of $100 solely because you were too cheap to pay $5. Ah, well; too late now.
At least, it's too late for THIS month...