March Prompt: Othering AI
Theme: Write a story about the complex relationships between humans and artificial intelligence as this new form of "life" assimilates...
March Prompt: Othering AI
The Reader's Pick for February is...
January Theme Prompt Winner
Issue 2 of Flash Futures E-Zine is Out!
February Prompt: On This Special Day
And the Reader's Pick for January is...
Results for December Theme Prompt
Announcing Our New E-Zine!
January Prompt: Weather Warnings
And the Reader's Pick for December is...
Results for November Theme Prompt
Are We There Yet?
December Prompt: Treasures, Brightly Wrapped
Results for October Theme Prompt
How To Write For Sci-Fi Shorts: A Primer
November Prompt: Feasts with the Beasts
October Prompt: Machine in the Ghost
Mathematical Sci-Fi
Historical Sci-Fi
First-Contact Sci-Fi
Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi
Living on Another Planet
Theological Sci-Fi
Virtual Sci-Fi